Award Winning Pain Management in Jacksonville, Florida

Auto Accident Injuries

If you have been in a car wreck here in Jacksonville, Florida, please contact us right away. We are experts in treating these sorts of injuries as well as the severe, chronic pain that can follow from an auto crash.

Dr. Michael Willens portrait

Personalized Treatment

The Car Accident Doctor

Many patients looking for a “Car Accident Doctor” in Jacksonville, Florida don’t really know where to turn.

If you’ve recently been in a Motor Vehicle Crash and need medical attention, you must seek care with a physician and make a claim within 14 days or you may forfeit benefits. A Chiropractor visit alone will NOT protect your rights to get the full benefits of your policy.

Many patients get very frustrated because their own doctors will not accept PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance from automobile crashes. Please know that we take all Auto Insurances for injuries sustained in an automobile accident.

We have a great deal of experience in guiding you through this difficult process following an injury sustained in a car crash.

Dr. Willens is a Board Certified Interventional Pain Management Physician able to diagnose and treat all traumatic injuries.  He is a well-seasoned, objective expert witness for both plaintiffs and defense.  Please see our page on Independent Medical Evaluations.

We will see you TODAY for an evaluation and to start any needed treatment. We always start with the most effective, least expensive, and painless treatments such as Osteopathic Manual Medicine (similar to chiropractic),  and Physical Therapy.

We are uniquely able to serve our patients by evaluating and diagnosing immediately to determine if you have been seriously injured and need more than just routine treatment.  If left untreated, unrecognized or ignored, severe injuries are much more likely to be chronic in nature. 

We believe that these serious matters require Board Certified Pain Management Physicians with extensive experience to be able to manage them properly., 

Car Accident Neck Pain

Leave it to us

Personal Injury Protection

Our staff is well trained in compliance and billing for Auto (Personal Injury Protection: PIP) Insurance. It is critically important to initiate Interventional Pain Management treatment as soon as possible for ANY PAINFUL CONDITION following trauma. Studies clearly show that failure to have interventions for pain within 3-6 months following the inciting injury, dramatically increases the probability of suffering with pain permanently. This is why it is vitally important to get treatment right away.

Car Accident Neck Pain

Patients injured in a Motor Vehicle Crash need to understand the implications for treatment under an Auto Personal Injury Policy (PIP.) Physically, injuries sustained in all traumatic events may be similar. However, there are important legal and financial considerations that are triggered when an injury occurs as a result of the use, maintenance or otherwise as a result of an automobile: a claim under PIP.

First of all, the patient needs to know that there are important deadlines to seek treatment under the new legislation. You must be seen by a physician within 14 days to protect your benefits.

Second, it is important to understand that only a limited amount of money is available for treatment. Under the new rules, Emergency Medical Conditions may provide up to $10,000. An individual not diagnosed with an Emergency Medical Condition has a limit of $2,500. Further, a chiropractor may not diagnose a patient with an Emergency.

Dr. Michael Willens serves as a consultant for many primary care physicians, chiropractors, neurologists, physical therapists, and surgeons to ensure that no condition goes undiagnosed or untreated.

Our Location

Come visit us today!


3003 Claire Ln., Building 100,
Jacksonville, Florida 32223
*We’re right near The Bonefish Grill & across Claire Lane from Barnes & Noble.


8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday


(904) 683-2597

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