Award Winning Pain Management in Jacksonville, Florida

Car Accident Neck Pain

We provide Independent Medical Examinations

Michael Willens, D.O. is a Cleveland Clinic Foundation trained, Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Board Certified Pain Management Physician with over 25 years of clinical experience.  He is a well-seasoned expert witness and is regularly invited as an specialist in his field to teach other physicians at the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association conferences.

Dr. Willens’ mission is to support the truth and to help fight waste, fraud and abuse.  His professional opinion is well-respected by both defense and plaintiff’s attorneys who are seeking to clearly understand complex painful conditions.

Our program for providing IME’s (Independent Medical Examinations) is a simple process and costs are based on the complexity and depth of the case. 

What to expect from an Independent Medical Examination (IME):

Dr. Willens will review medical records, police reports, and other evidence as well as conduct a history and physical examination.  From this information, he is typically able to answer questions pertaining to:
  1. Clinical diagnosis and prognosis
  2. Causation
  3. Medical necessity and appropriateness of treatment rendered to date
  4. Ongoing and future treatments recommended
  5. Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and the date when it occurred
  6. Permanency
  7. Exacerbation versus aggravation
  8. Impairment (partial or total) and possible apportionment thereof
  9. Return-to-work date
  10. Modified versus full duty
  11. Necessary restrictions
  12. Advising Life Care Planners

Please contact our office with any further questions.

Independent Medical Examinations